It was a glorius day, sunday, for a road trip. A long road trip. Over 9 hours on the road, back and forth to the balmy state of Missouri. Was nice see family, even if for a short time. While I was there I took a stroll to check out what was planted around my brother's new place. Now granted there was a lot of work to still be done around the outside......
But how totally unfair is it that this huge rose bush is still going strong as of Nov. 1? Granted it is in a protected spot. It just seems so weird that within the same zone 5 such different changes in fall have occurred. Must be the difference from a 5a(me) and 5b(bro). I think I wanna be a 5b.
Also so unfair to me is that this rose bush, and several around this lovely new house of my brother's, are totally neglected and still grow crazily well. Good job brother...I want to be a gardener like you. If it could only be so easy for me. Oh well.......
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