look at those dreamy blue eyes they both have....i am so blessed to have both of their sets of steel blue eyes to look at for the rest of my life.
here are his thoughts....
I was driving in the morning and the thought hit me that any other generation before us would absolutely marvel at the way we live…
1) Getting the opportunity to operate a motorized vehicle to get to work…with a heated interior in the winter and a cooled one in the summer.
2) Being blessed with a domicile that is sealed from cold winter winds and the dry hot summer sun that contains every convenience (too many to list).
3) A plentiful and abundant food supply, oh lest I forget…fresh water (and too many other beverages to mention)
4) We are blessed with doctors, nurses, EMT’s, police, firemen, etc. that respond to our “emergencies” (whether real or contrived).
5) We have a system of government that allows us to complain about EVERYTHING mentioned above and yet, if we took the time to count our blessings we would realize…we really have nothing to complain about.
good points hubs.
and thank you for making a wish list item come true....a little sooner than i thought. glad you read my emails too.....hehehe.

and special thanks to janean at old sweetwater cottage who blogged about this flatware in a post a few weeks ago....i have been obsessed with this flatware since then. i had emailed hubs that if he wanted to get this sometime this year for us, they would make a great present for a special occasion. i really did not expect the flatware much before next christmas.....i was so surprised to get them just a few months sooner....:) really, i did want to pine for them a bit longer....lol. oh wells. the pattern is called napolean bee. the pattern was commissioned by napolean, himself. the silver flatware is available at neiman marcus and horchow online.
a very big thank you to my loving hubs.....for really picking up on my obsessions and delivering them with unexpected timeliness. love you hubs...you can be a guest blogger any ol' time.
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